Park Run Takeover
/volunteers sophie and harriet in bri tri bobble hats at the preston park takeover
It was a cloudy but dry day on 9th November, when 25 Bri Tri Volunteers turned up early at Preston Park parkrun to offer their services for a Volunteer Takeover. We had pacers ranging from 20-32 minutes, Marshalls, Funnel Managers, Timekeepers, Parkwalkers and Tailwalkers as well as many others cheering and helping with set up and shut down.
The Preston Park parkrun is a key fixture in our weekly training meet-ups so this was a lovely way to promote the club, but more importantly to give some of our time back and encourage others to do the same through volunteering for this iconic weekly event.
A huge thank you to everyone who came along. If you’ve not volunteered for parkrun before then we hope it has inspired you to do so again. The junior parkrun event on a Sunday is often short of volunteers too. To sign up and for more details go to:
bri tri club pacers for the preston park takeover